Other Organizations and Websites
Below is a listing of a few organizations that have programs and publications inspired by the Goethean and phenomenological approaches to science.
Goethean Perspectives in Natural Science
The Natural Science Section (Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland)
This organization carries out research that is rooted in a Goethean perspective. maintains a large language bibliography of articles and books in German on a Goethean approach to science, including scientific work inspired by Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy.
Elemente der Naturwissenschaft (A journal)
Since 1964 this journal has published articles stemming from research based on Goethean and phenomenological methods. Most articles are in German, but abstracts are in English and some articles are in English.
Institut für Evolutionsbiologie (University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany)
The Institute is concerned with larger questions connected to morphology and evolution. Its website is in German, but the researchers also publish English language articles that are listed on the website.
The Life Science Centre (near Edinburgh, Scotland)
The Life Science Centre is a site for environmental education, research and holistic practice, offering opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to renew and deepen their relationship with nature.
The Field Centre (Nailsworth, UK)
The center offers a “Goethean Science and Phenomenology Course.”
SENSRI (Keene Valley, NY)
This organization’s mission is to “promote research, education and the exchange of ideas growing out of science based on human perception and experience. By developing new and deeper capacities of sensing and thinking we create a scientific understanding resulting in creative environmental technology, in harmony with nature, meeting human needs.”
Goethean Perspectives in the Social Sciences
The Proteus Initiative (Constantia, South Africa)
Members of the Proteus Initiative have taken up the understanding and methods developed by Goethe for working with organic phenomena and applied them to complex social and developmental processes. For a description of the initiative, see our articles from In Context #20, “A South African Initiative” and In Context #27, “Holding Gently: A Story of Social Change.”