Nature Institute Fellowships

A fellowship at The Nature Institute presents an opportunity for individuals to deepen their understanding and practice of the science of phenomena, a science that is contextual, qualitative, and holistic, and which forms the basis of our work at The Nature Institute.

The fellowships are meant for individuals who have gained knowledge of and experience with this approach to science (which we often call Goethean science) by completing The Nature Institute’s program “Encountering Nature and the Nature of Things” or some other comparable practice-based course of study. We expect that fellows are working in the natural sciences, or in professions in which sciences are taught or applied (e.g. education, agriculture, health professions). Other criteria for participation are that the individuals are self-motivated, early in their careers, and are serious about working with this approach in their own professional settings.

The length of the fellowship depends on individual circumstances; we envision a period of two to six months. Each fellow will engage in a research project of their own design for the duration of their time at the Institute. The project should include a strong original observational and experiential component. Fellows will interact with staff.

We offer a stipend (in the range of $500 to $1000/month) as a contribution to basic living costs during the fellowship.

If, based on the criteria outlined above, you are interested in a fellowship, please inquire if or when one is available by emailing us: info[at] If there is a fellowship opportunity at the institute, we will contact you and provide details for submitting a full application.