In Context #28

Fall 2012

View complete In Context #28 as PDF

Letter to Readers

Feature Article

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“Education and the Presence of the Unknown”
By Craig Holdrege
Every student has an unknown future, full of potential. How can a teacher prepare a student for such an unknown future? It requires that what they do not yet know should play a positive role in the life of both teacher and student as they work together to encourage a mutual unfolding of potential.

Notes and Reviews

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“Toward a Biology Worthy of Life”
By Stephen L. Talbott
This project presenting Steve’s work on genetics and molecular biology, the nature of the organism, and evolution can be viewed here. This article introduces you to the project.

“Eat to Regulate Your Genes?”
By Stephen L. Talbott
Read about a surprising discovery regarding the gene-regulatory role of the food you eat.

News from the Institute

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Read about events at The Nature Institute and activities by our staff.