Henrike Holdrege


Shadows and the Sun” In Context #48, Fall, 2022

“Why Is the Sky Blue?” In Context #47, Spring, 2022

To the Infinite and Back Again. A Workbook in Projective Geometry, Part II 
Great Barrington, MA: The Evolving Science Association, 2021

To the Infinite and Back Again. A Workbook in Projective Geometry, Part I 
Great Barrington, MA: The Evolving Science Association, 2019

The Return of the Bald Eagle” In Context #42, Fall, 2019

“Form and Forming” In Context #39, Spring, 2018

“In Gratitude: Georg Maier (1933-2016)” In Context #36, Fall, 2016

“Amazonian Impressions” In Context #34, Fall, 2015

“Exploring the Exploratorium in San Francisco” In Context #32, Fall, 2014

“Light in the Dark” In Context #29, Spring, 2013

“Holding Gently: A Story of Social Practice,” co-authored with Craig Holdrege, In Context #27, Spring, 2012

“The Earth as Seen from the Moon” In Context #18, Fall, 2007

“Words of Dedication at the Founding Celebration” In Context #1, Spring, 1999

Talks and Lectures

“From Transformation to Metamorphosis: Goethean Practice,” a four-session lecture series recorded on Zoom by The Anthroposophical Society in America. Henrike Holdrege presents the first three sessions; Jon McAlice presents the final fourth session. (To find all sessions, scroll across the screen at the above link and click on different Zoom icon for each.)

“Two Kinds of Darkness,” a conversation with John Gouldthorpe, available at our Podcast

“Georg Maier’s ‘Ways of Approaching Nature,’” a conversation with John Gouldthorpe, available at our Podcast

Gestures in the Work of Artist Ernst Barlach,” a talk with slides given at the institute, available on our Video page.

Seth Jordan